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APLR publications are used by various groups, such as experts and professionals working in land/real estate field, landowners and farmers, etc. These publications are prepared for wide circles of readers in a plain and popular language and are easily understandable for each consumer.

Since 1997 APLR prepared several publications that cover highly important issues, such as interpretation of land legislation, land taxes, land use and management, real estate registration and the issues related to farming.


Manual on Privatization of State-owned Immovable Property, 2011

Manual on Privatization of State-owned Immovable Property has been prepared by APLR, within the scope of the contract signed with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

The Manual deals with various aspects of the Law of Georgia on State Property, as well as with respective sub laws, normative and legislative acts. The Manual explains in brief the rules for state property privatization, including privatization via auctions; procedures for leased and unused farmland and forest land privatization; rules for state property privatization through direct sale and through direct sale based on competition; forms, rules and procedures for privatization of other state properties.

All parties involved in state property privatization will get detailed information on the privatization procedures established by law, as well as on their rights and responsibilities in the process.

Texts of privatization-related laws and normative acts are also given in the Manual.  

How to Buy Land, 2009

The Brochure – How to Buy Land – was prepared within the scope of USAID Land Market Development Program II. This publication describes step by step procedures for acquisition of agricultural land remaining in state ownership. In particular, the rules for buying the leased land by leaseholders, as well as for land acquisition via special and open auctions and direct sale are presented in detail. Information givrn in the brochure will help the farmers, lease holders, private investors and other players at the market to easily access to the agricultural land available for privatization.

Land Acquisition & Compensation Manual, 2009

Association for Protection of Landowners’ Rights in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia prepared Land Acquisition and Compensation Manual. The purpose of this Manual is to mitigate adverse social and economic effects from land acquisition and restrictions and ensure fair compensation for the populations affected  by large-scale constructions in the country.

The Manual describes in detail methods and procedures  for land price definition and compensation; calculation of average annual harvest and rules of its compensation; identification of non-economical parcels and valuation of real property and infrastructure units.

The Manual may be helpful for both the State and foreign and loocal investors while elaborating resettlement plans in the implementation of various investment projects.

CBO Manual, 2004   

CBO Manual is prepared and published by APLR with the support of International Land Coalition. The book is one of the first publications aimed at strengthening community based organizations and local communities in Georgia.

The Manual includes those basic legislative acts the knowledge of which is essential for CBO creation and development. The book describes in detail CBO structure, its rights/responsibilities and role in the development of civil society, as well as procedures for CBO establishment and levers for its management. The Manual also covers the relationship between CBOs and local self-government and government bodies, tax code regulations, the issues of land/natural resources management and private arbitration, as well as those problems that the CBOs may face with in their activities. Different standard agreement forms are attached to the Manual that helps CBO representatives to conclude the deals with various institutions.

The Manual ensures the efficiency of both CBOs and local authorities. It also helps the representatives of the organizations implementing community mobilization projects.                         

Reference Book on Land Taxes, 2003

Reference Book is published for land owners and users, as well as for other persons interested in property tax on land. The Book aims to make interpretations of regulations of Tax Code, Civil Code, Administrative Procedures Code and other laws and by-laws acting in Georgia, as well as of procedures provided for by legislation.

The Book covers all procedures related to the payment of property tax on land. It also includes comprehensive information on tax payers, objects to be taxed, tax rates, tax preferences, collection of taxes and fines to be charged in case of infringements. 

Reference Book For Farmers, 2003

Reference Book for Farmers is prepared with the financial support of Eurasia Foundation. The book aims at providing public education on legal issues related to farming activities.

Reference Book contains information on different aspects of farming, such as land taxes, access to credits, procedures for legal transportation of food products, sample contract how to sell, purchase, lease or mortgage land parcels, which helps farmers to adequately process and regulate commercial relations. The Book also contains contact information on financial, state, non-governmental, donor organizations that may be helpful in planning their business activities. Manual is written in plain and popular language with the glossary of some legal terms attached.

Farmers find Reference Book to be very helpful for their practices. They acknowledge that the Book serves as a comprehensive compilation of practical information with respect to different procedures that Georgian farmers often have to undergo.  

Land Legislation Terminology, 2002

The Booklet serves the persons interested in the questions of land management, provides interpretations of legal terms used by legislation of Georgia and describes legal conditions related to each term.

The Booklet includes 36 terms in all that are divided into three paragraphs according to those laws, in which the large part of these terms are compiled. The first paragraph covers Civil Code, the second one deals with the Law on Land Registration and the third describes the Law on Registration Fees.

Forms of registration card, cadastral plan, cadastral map, registration application and registration certificate are attached to the Booklet.               

 How to Sell Non-Agricultural Land Parcel Related with  
 Entrepreneurial Activity, 1999 

The Booklet is addressed to those physical and legal persons who use, possess or dispose non-agricultural land parcel.

The Booklet describes general information necessary for the disposal of non-agricultural land and covers procedures for sale of non-agricultural land parcel with or without buildings, as well as competence of the parties to the agreement of land parcel acquisition. Forms of different agreements, such as agreement of enterprise land (real estate) sale/purchase, record of public registry, the form of co-owners’ consent to the disposal of land parcel are attached.  

Hypothecation of Non-agricultural Land, 1999

The Booklet on Hypothecation of Non-agricultural Land helps landowners who whish to mortgage real estate for getting credits. It shortly describes the essence of hypothec and covers procedures to be followed by the parties for conclusion of hypothecation agreement and for registration of hypothec at Public Registry.

The Booklet also deals with different legal aspects of notarization of hypothecation agreement and represents the list of the documents necessary for hypothec registration.

The forms of the documents essential for initial registration of non-agricultural land are affixed to the Booklet.

Non-Agricultural Land Privatization and Registration,

The Booklet helps the entrepreneurs to carry out privatization and initial registration of non-agricultural land parcel. It describes the steps to be taken for the payment of land price and for initial registration of land according to the Law of Georgia on Declaring Non-agricultural Land Possessed by Physical Persons and Legal Persons of Public Law to be the  Private Ownership passed on October 28, 1998. The said law and other respective by-laws are attached to the Booklet.

Land Legislation Manual

APLR prepared Land Legislation Manual through the Eurasia Foundation financial support to raise land and real estate owners’ awareness in legal issues. The Manual covers almost all important laws and by-laws passed by 1997, such as the law on lease, on agricultural land ownership, on agricultural land lease, on land registration etc.               




CBO Manual,2004