ქართული ვერსია

Land and Real Property


Full Activity Title: To Develop Land Markets in Georgia

Location: 51 Rayons of Georgia

Activity Dates: October,1997 – October, 2000

Source of Funding: BAH

Project Abstract

Thausands of owners emerged following the establishment of private ownership of land and real estate under the country’s land reform program of the early 1990's. Protection of interests of these newly established real estate owners, creation of the relevant legislative environment, privatization and registration both agricultural and enterprise land, conduction of cadastral works and creation relevant databases became the priority issues in the country.

Land Market Development Project has commenced as a part of a comprehensive market reform program for Georgia. It is implemented by Booz-Allen & Hamilton, international consulting company. The Goal of the project is to facilitate privatization of non-agricultural land, conduct initial registration of agricultural land, support real estate transactions and establish relevant legislative/regulatory environment, issue more than 1 million agricultural and enterprise land parcel ownership certificates.

APLR, as a contractor of Booz-Allen & Hamilton, takes part in the project implementation and is charged  to monitor  field cadastral works.  For this purpose APLR takes control of land surveys, map compilation and maintenance in all project-covered territories, checks documentation transferred by the project to the rayon offices of the State Department of Land Management, orginizes varius workshops and training sessions, as well as ceremonies for the issuance of land titling certificates.

Activities carried out by the APLR within the scope of the project guarantees quality assuarance  of the project results and contributes to the successful implementation of land reform  and land market development in the country.